The CERMP or Certified Enterprise Risk Manamement Professional is a professional certification based on ISO 31000:2009, Basel Accords and the COSO framework. The certificate is designed for all those who want to improve their skills and tools to manage risks in an integrated manner. Holders of this certificate should be able to demastrate ability to oversee ERM implementation in an organization taking into consideration macroeconomic drivers of risk. It will equip the holder with best practice ability to identify and evaluate risks and to deliver effective framewor across the enterprise .
Who should apply?
- Directors and top officials in both the public and private sectors with over 10 years experience
- Chief Risk Officers
- ERM Managers
- Chief Inspectors/ Auditors
- Chief Compliance Officers
- Finance Managers/ Officers
-,, P.hD in relevant disciplines with over 8 years experience
- Certificates obtained from similar organizations
- Risk management practitioners with over 6 years experience.
Ways to obtain CERMP
There are three ways to obtain the CERMP certification:
- Competency-Based Assessment Program
- Exam-Based Assessment Program
- Case study Evaluation Program
Other Certifications